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Bast Galleries were originally named "Sister Dear: Pages for Bast, Sister of Sekhmet" because the idea was birthed off of a onelist discussion group: Sekhmet's Own. In December 1998, I was involved in a serious car accident. The healers (priests and priestesses of Sekhmet and Bast) combined their energies for a miraculous recovery. November 2000, it was finally decided to rename this project "Bast Galleries" (third time's the charm?) In September 1999, the project was renamed "Bast Pages: Dedications to the Feline."
These pages are dedicated to Bast, to universal power (energy) of Healing and to healers.
Bast Galleries is not a historical collection of information. Rather, it is a living, personal collection of creativity: artwork and writings inspired by Bast (or the Feline). If Bast has inspired you creatively, please consider submitting it here. It is my goal to eventually have these pages contain only original artwork and text, but I'll need your help for that, so don't be shy!
Gentle reminder: If the picture, poem or essay has a copyright © symbol, it is NOT public domain! If you'd like to use an image or a writing on your personal page, please request permission from the artist (or I can forward your request, just e-mail me) it's fast and easy, really! If you're the artist and I haven't credited you, PLEASE let me know and I will do so.